Spinal Decompression
Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical, drug-free procedure which may help with the following painful conditions :
Bulging Disc
Herniated Disc
Degenerative Disc Disease
Central Stenosis (caused by bulging)
Facet Syndrome
Chronic Neck and Low Back Pain
Arm or leg pain
Pinched nerves
Alternative to back surgery
So how does it work?
Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal because they remain under constant pressure, even while a person is at rest. SpineMED decompression is designed to reduce pressure inside the discs by gently seperating or distracting the injured spinal segments.
Under distraction, pressure on the disc is relieved by allowing fluids, nutrients and oxygen to flow back into disc. This nutrient exchange helps the body's natural rebuilding process and can accelerate the repair and eventually heal damaged spinal discs.
In addition, a reduction of intradiscal pressure may help draw the nucleus of a buldging or herniated disc back into the center, thereby relieving pressure on a compressed nerve root thereby alleviating pain, tingling, and/or numbness.

How is SpineMED different than traction?
The significance of Bypassing Reflexes
It is generally recognized that achieving decompression depends upon the ability to distract the spine without eliciting reflex muscle contractions or spasms. The pre- and post-MRI's of a SpineMED patient illustrate the dramatic physiological changes to the damaged disc- both a dramatic reduction in disc herniation and an increase in hydration, as observed through T-2 weighted imaging. These objective changes are not random occurrences in the incidence of disc pathology, and suggest the dramatic reduction of intradiscal pressures and subsequent increase in the osmotic diffusion gradient across the disc endplates.
Many patients, especially those presenting with acute disc pathology, experience a natural guarding reflex under traction. A previous meta-analysis evaluating conventional traction determined that"very few randomized controlled trials reported positive effects on low back pain, and increased pain and intervertebral pressures have been reported after its use." Additionally, conventional traction has never demonstrated the ability to reduce intradiscal pressures into the negative range. Leading spine researchers Nachemsom and Anderson concluded that "when traction is applied so that back muscles contract, then disc pressures will increase." 1
What sets SpineMED apart from other spinal decompression units?
Schedule a complimentary consultation here!
20 Millisecond Response time
SpineMED's computer-controlled biofeedback response adjusts distractive forces at an astounding rate of 20 milliseconds (the human neurological response is approximately 50 milliseconds). Old designs simply cannot react and adjust tensions at this incredible speed. While their load sensors and motors are designed to adjust forces in less than a second, the true reaction time is significantly longer as the force is disbursed and absorbed thriugh the traction box, nykin webbing, pulleys, and harness systems.
Technology Designed to Overcome Reflex Contractions
It is commonly recognized that achieving decompression depends upon the ability to distract the spine without eliciting reflec muscle contractions or spasms. SpineMED monitors tension applied to the patient every 2.5 milliseconds and will make adjustments every 20 milliseconds. This ability to almost instantly sense and adjust tensions along with our direct capture of the pelvis are key differences that distinguishes SpineMED Decompression from other devices and conventional traction.
Lower Forces
With the elimination of outdated harnesses and direct capture of the pelvis with the patented restraints, SpineMED decompression protocols call for a fraction of the force required with previous deses. For example, the average protocol for a 200lb patient on SpineMED is 30lbs of force, compared with over 110lbs on older devices. SpineMED lower force requirements dramatically increase patient comfort and tolerance while virtually eliminating any risk of exacerbations of other negative side effects.
More Comfortable
SpineMED's pelvic restraints apply an indiscenible pressure aainst the pelvis, and an inflatable air bladder supports the patient's natural lordosis to dramatically improve comfort during the procedure.
Wider Patient Suitability
SpineMED's ability to achieve results using lower forces also increases the scop of suitable patients, especially with acute to sub-acute patients, frail patients, and the growing geriatric population. ​
1 Anderson, G., Schultz, A., and Nachemson, A. (1968) “Intervertebral Disc Pressure During Traction”. Scand. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine Suppl. 9. 88-91