Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Feeling dizzy, disoriented or off-balance on a regular basis? Get help with:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

  • Mal de Debarquement syndrome (MdDS)

  • Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)

  • Meniere’s disease

  • Vestibular migraines

  • Post-concussive syndrome

  • Poor balance

  • Motion sensitivity

Recalibrating the vestibular system

Do you feel motion or spinning when you are not moving? If so, your brain is falsely processing sensory information from the world around you. Following a comprehensive neurological examination of your vestibular system and brain, a customized treatment program will be designed to improve feedback to these pathways of the brain and get you feeling steady on your feet again.

Customized Care

Our approach provides non-invasive treatment to improve how your brain processes movement by using neurosensory feedback, as well as resetting the vestibular system to provide your brain accurate information about your environment. The precise treatment options and exercises are tailored specifically to your needs and body. There is no ‘one size fits all’ in vestibular rehabilitation and treatments may utilize the following modalities:

  • Balance Tracking System - using a computerized platform you get visual feedback while you perform specific exercises to improve your balance, coordination and limits of stability

  • Visual-motor integration exercises - We utilize Sanet Visual Motor Integration System to target hand-eye reaction, eye tracking, visual-auditory sequencing, attention, memory and spatial awareness exercises that are all programmed specific to your needs.

  • Vestibular rehabilitation - We will customize specific eye and head tracking exercises to recalibrate the vestibular system.

Throughout the process, we continue diagnostic testing to measure your results, track your progress, and modify your treatment plan to maximize your results.

The Right Diagnostics Mean The Right Solutions

Delay in obtaining proper diagnosis and treatment following a dizziness or vertigo onset can inflict profound consequence to your life. From persistent motion sensitivity and dizziness to visual tracking issues, these symptoms are not just a nuisance, they’re debilitating. We use video-oculography testing and computerized balance testing to objectively determine where your break down in function has occurred. You need to get help right away. But what’s the next step?